Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"I love teaching" conference

This was a great conference and very inspriring on several levels.

Dr Jeni Wilson

Made me look at the nature of inquiry in my room again, and think of some tools to use to encourage higher order thinking.

Her keynote had a lot of ideas about how schools can work in ways that are better for kids learning, ina less traditional way. There were some exciting use of spaces and teacher resources. It has made me consider how I structure my programme in literacy and numeracy and question whether there is another way that is is even more small group centred (there is already a lot of small group teaching) , and therefore more targeted to individual needs. I'm not sure how to structure this as yet, but am willing to give it a try!

I also liked her workshop idea, where children can take more responsibility for their learning by signing up for teacher led workshops. I wonder how this would look in my room?

James Nottingham

  • Praise the process, not the child.--Effort!
  • Eureka! I found it!- Not my teacher told me... Appreciate and value the struggle to gain a new understanding. Question and question and get them muddied in their own explainations.
Wilson McCaskill

A very passionate man, with a fantastic approach to teaching life skills through games. I was intrigued with the language he uses, and how he puts things for children. "Were you doing the right thing Sally? How did that feel?" as an example for those who are not. Creating a safe place for kids to challenge themselves.

I plan to spend some time with his books and DVD's, in order to absorb some more of his language and philosophy, and use some games with my class.

Allie Mooney

What a dynamic presenter. I really identified with her descriptions of a 'peaceful' person, and it helped me understand some things about myself- like how I hate being put on the spot, and do much better if I have some time to consider an answer or opinion. I find myself considering everyone- collegue, friend, child, parent, in terms of thier 'type', and I'm looking forward to reading her book, and maybe doing some work with my class using her treasure tree book too.

Lots to think about and take action on!