Monday, May 30, 2011


I was fortunate enough to go to Marks techie on twitter, readers and skype. I had hooked up to twitter but was still unsure how to use it, and I had never 'skyped'.

Mark is quite a fan of twitter and it was really interesting to see how he uses it. I can see when you have a group of professional educaters, it's a great way to get ideas, and keep motivated. I need a tweetdeck so I can use it at school, which I can't get yet as my 'old' laptop doesn't have 'appstore'. However I can keep an eye on it at home. The key is to get following some interesting people, and in turn, be 'followed', so any crafty questions have a hope of being answered! I still wonder about the time issue- where to fit it in amongst a busy life, but as Mark said he doesn't have the time not to do it it's so useful, so I shall give it a go!

It was great to skype for the first time. Very easy too! I am looking forward to finding a purpose to do this with my class in the near future. It amuses me that now I can see when people in my skype address book come on line, and can also instant message them. That could be useful- Nat and I had a great work based chat the other night. At the same time I was getting emails and saw people working on google docs. It was 9pm! What a dedicated lot we are...