Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Still working away at my goals. Used IWB for writing this week, with learning intetions and my modelling. Was great to have saved and to go back to. Did a bit of 'revealing' to encourage them to remember what a recount needs to have. Would like to scan childrens writing in next, and do a bit of critiquing. Maybe a child could writie on the board for the day? Might try that.

Found a good website for word level work- cvc words and letter clusters. Heaps of online games and print outs.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of a child using the IWB to write on for the day.
    What a great purposeful way to integrate the board. I bet the children will come up with ideas to use it too.
    Just wanted to add that your room looks amazing too Amy. :-)
